Employees Gambling In The Workplace

Posted By admin On 06/04/22

For many people gambling is not a harmful activity, but for some it can be a serious problem. A recent Reed in Partnership report found that 10% of working adults have direct experience of the problems gambling can cause in the workplace and more than four in five British adults think that gambling and debt can be a distraction for people in work.

Key Points If an employer believes an employee has a gambling problem, the employee's supervisor should express concerns in a. The supervisor should attempt to appear non-judgmental and share work-related observations about how the gambling. The supervisor should be clear with the employee that. In particular, employees may feel that the conversations they have with other employees or with customers may not be legally recorded, but this simply isn't the case. While audio recording is generally allowed, the specifics surrounding recording conversations in the workplace vary by state.

Gambling problems are incredibly complex, with motivations and triggers that vary for each individual, however concentration and behaviour at work has been found to be affected by gambling, leading to a loss of productivity.

Common impacts of problem gambling

  • Financial difficulty, debt and bankruptcy
  • Relationship breakdown (including divorce)
  • Lost productivity
  • Crime (e.g. theft and fraud)
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression, stress and anxiety
  • Substance misuse
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Suicide

What does it cost your business?

  • 5% of fraud now related to problem gambling (up to £225 million each year)1
  • Employee sickness and other absence
  • Impacts on employee mental health
  • Reduced productivity
  • Damage to your reputation

Protecting your business and supporting your employees

The National Gambling HelpLine and GamCare counselling services can support your current Employee Assistance Programme and provide additional safeguarding – our free advice and support is available nationwide to aid employee welfare.

Employees gambling in the workplace act

GamCare can also assist your business in developing robust workplace gambling policies, and in providing training for HR and managers to identify potential problem gambling behaviour and provide appropriate support and signposting.

About GamCare:

Employees gambling in the workplace againstWorkplaceEmployees Gambling In The Workplace
  • Leading national provider of information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling
  • Operates the National Gambling HelpLine (Freephone 0808 8020 133 or via web chat at gamcare.org.uk, 8am – Midnight, seven days a week)
  • Free online and face-to-face counselling provided throughout England, Scotland and Wales
  • For information on bespoke training and consultancy, contact info@gamcare.org.uk

External links:

  1. BDO Fraudtrack Report, February 2016: http://www.bdo.co.uk/news/bdo-fraudtrack-report
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With March Madness coming up, you might have been invited to join an office pool — maybe a toonie buy-in, or something a little bigger, pricier, and more competitive. This is nothing new: from co-workers betting on big games to staff members checking out poker websites on their lunch break, gambling can be a surprisingly pervasive part of the workplace.

In fact, one workplace survey cited by the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health found nearly 60 per cent of respondents said employees at their organizations have been involved in Super Bowl pools, with 39 per cent saying people at their office pooled money to buy lottery tickets.

But is allowing (and participating) in this kind of activity at the office a bit of a gamble? It can, after all, be a bit of a slippery slope. To protect yourself (and your employees), it might be time to implement a gambling policy.

Here are some reasons for and against.

Pros and cons of workplace gambling

Before you prohibit all the aforementioned forms of “gambling,” keep in mind that these group activities can actually be a benefit to staff and company morale.

“If the stakes are really low, and it’s more about instilling some competitive spirit in the team, I don’t see much harm in that,” says Eric MacIntosh, an associate professor of sport management at the University of Ottawa. “People should have a little fun at work, and something like an office pool can be a way to have that fun and bond with co-workers.”

But before you call a company-wide hockey pool for the upcoming playoffs, keep in mind that you might alienate those who don’t want to participate (or, in this case, those who don’t know anything about sports).

“What if you’ve got 20 people in the office, and 15 want to be part of this office pool, and five don’t?” MacIntosh asks. “Does that make those five people a subculture in the organization?”

Chris Higgins, professor emeritus at Ivey Business School, echoes MacIntosh’s sentiment that a little office pool is generally harmless fun, but cautions to also be on the lookout for signs of trouble. “The real problem,” Higgins says, “is people spending time on gambling websites — be it online poker or sports betting — at the office. That can lead to a drop in someone’s productivity and could be a red flag for bigger issues, like gambling addiction,” he says.

According to the Centre for Additional and Mental Health (CAMH), employees with legitimate gambling problems may also be experiencing other mental and physical health issues such as depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, or stress-related illnesses.

Why gambling policies are helpful

When it comes to online gambling, Higgins says the answer is simple: Don’t allow it.

“I would restrict access to gambling sites … turn the switches off,” he says, adding most companies already block these types of websites.

As for office pools and friendly bets among coworkers, MacIntosh says there should be a “clearly articulated” set of parameters in a formal document to guard against potential problems. So what would that kind of policy entail? According to CAMH, they should focus on harm reduction and providing supports, and require backing from top levels of management.

The mental health centre also recommends blocking gambling sites, keeping accurate records on workplace performance, including gambling information in financial services for employees, and organizing social events at places other than casinos or racetracks.

Looking for more information on office gambling? Check out CAMH’s ‘Gambling and the Workplace’ resource online.

Employees Gambling In The Workplace

See also:
4 (free!) ways to boost employee engagement
How to build a healthier, happier office

Employees Gambling In The Workplace Behavior


Employees Gambling In The Workplace Against

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